Friday, July 27, 2012

Get to know me!

So this is my first blog.... I don't really know what I am going to post, but I guess I'll post anything i want! YAY freedom!!! So i guess I'll start this blog by telling you about myself! I'm a girl..... ummmmm....... wow i feel like I have just met myself..... I don't know what to say! Well I guess I'll talk about things I like.... I guess..... Well I like shopping! I LOVE shopping. I like anime (manga), drawing (even if I'm not good), signing (though I'n not very good at that either), I like playing sports (which if I say myself I'm not to shabby at no matter the sport unless... u say baseball) I guess maybe my blog could be about what I buy, what songs I like and dislike, anime (manga) that i like, drawings that I have drawn, and things like that well.... Yep i guess that's it for my first blog! I just wanted to tell a little bit about myself. And just so you know my blogs might not be that amazing at first, but hopefully they will get better!!! 
Well bye for now!
This is kind of how I picture myself in case you wanted to know!